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Law no.9643, dated 20.11.2006 “On public procurement” (“Public Procurement Law”), has been recently amended by Law no.10170, dated 22.10.2009 “On some adding and amendments to Law no.9643, dated 20.11.2006 “On public procurement”, as amended” (“Law 10170”). This law published on the Official Gazette no.153, dated 16.11.2009 is effective from 2.12.2009.

The key changes brought about in this Law 10170 include the change of the administrative review procedure, introduction of new institutions and definitions, all of which are said to bring about more flexibility and efficiency to contracting authorities during public procurement procedures.

Please revert to our next Winter 2010 edition of the Kalo & Associates newsletter for full details of the amendments, alternatively you may contact the firm directly to seek advice and information from our public procurement lawyers.