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SEE Legal

The Firm enjoys recognition in South East Europe culminating with the participation as exclusive founding member of the strongest legal alliance in the Balkans - South East Europe Legal Group (SEE LEGAL) – composed of leading law firms from 12 jurisdictions providing seamless legal services including cross-border commercial transactions (


Several lawyers of the firm are members of IBA and participate actively in activities of IBA across the world (


K&A is a member of the Foreign Investors Association of Albania which contributes and ensures a favorable business environment in Albania. The Managing Partner Perparim KALO has been a Board member of FIAA for several years and for two years its Vice-President (


K&A is a member of the Austrian Society in Albania which promotes Austrian investments in Albania (


The firm is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania promoting U.S and international investments in Albania and improving Albanian business image in U.S and international markets. The Managing Partner Perparim Kalo and partner Sophia Darling have been board members and Secretaries for several years and the Senior Partner Ardjana Shehi has been elected Head of the Tax and Legal Committee (


K&A is a member of the German Association of Industry and Trade in Albania, representing the interests of German companies in Albania as well as of Albanian companies seeking business opportunities in Germany. (