+ (355) (4)2233532
+ (355) 692090090

We are happy to inform all our clients and collaborators and friends that as of 28th of October 2020 KALO & ASSOCIATES became formally Collaborating Firm of Andersen Global.
This new status is not simply an honor, but a new heavy obligation, as collaborating with a global firm that has established standards and practices means working hard to apply same standards and practices.
Based on our previous experiences of working with alliances and professional groups and organizations we will manage and will not only benefit from Andersen family values but will also add our values created and solidified within more than two decades

Our strategy and philosophy will continue to focus on the improvement of our services to the clients, quality and responsiveness remaining our very precious assets.
The team, led by partners MiloKaloGjuzi,GorencaDano, Hasolli and Nushi, heavily supported by senior lawyers and associates and technical staff, is a guarantee that this step forward will be followed by diligence and will benefit clients in particular, but also legal industry in general
