Following the conclusion of the recent elections and the appointment of the new Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy, Mr Dritan Prifti, the 2006 Concessions Law has been further amended (by Law No.10157, dated 15.10.2009 and to come into force on the 20.11.09) introducing a number of interesting changes.
Key changes include: (i) the establishment of the Concessions Agency, which shall take on the role previously held by the Public Procurement Agency in relation to concession procedures (specifically the review and appeal body); and (ii) the condition to pay an amount equal to 10% of the bid security prior to the submission of any kind of administrative appeal to this newly formed Concession Agency. These changes shall have important impact on concession procedures and bidders’ status during such procedures.
For more information on these changes or any other related matter please contact [email protected] stating your queries.